Cervicogenic Headaches
Have you ever had a headache that feels like is coming from your neck? Read below to find out what this headache is, how it occurs and how to fix it.
Tips and tricks from the experts at Spectrum Healthcare.
Have you ever had a headache that feels like is coming from your neck? Read below to find out what this headache is, how it occurs and how to fix it.
Have you ever had a weird feeling that felt like the room was spinning? This is most likely due to Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). Read below to find out what and why BPPV happens, how physiotherapy can help your symptoms and how you can treat yourself at home.
Vestibular migraine is a migraine which typically is accompanied with dizziness, vertigo and/or sense of imbalance.
AC joint injuries account for 9-10% of all shoulder injuries. They are commonly injured by a traumatic force or by degeneration (less common).